"It's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It's because we dare not venture that they are difficult"
It seems that many of my most recent conversations have been on the topic of Risks, and what it means to take risks and the importance of that. I feel as though a large majority of people are so content staying where they feel comfortable, and choosing the comfortable path that they lose the opportunity to chose paths open to them that may bring them greater joy and greater possibilities.
In talking to a friend I understood risk taking in a way that I had not thought of before. You can't just assume that you are drowning when you are only in 3 feet of water, stand up a little taller and make it out into the deep end so you can learn how to swim.
Paulo Coelho once said "You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen."
I guess I just wish that people would realize the advantages of taking risks...of creating a new path...a different one so that you have more opportunities accessible to you. Exploring is growth, and without challenging ourselves and taking the time to explore, we won't be able to grow to our full potential. Life is a lot about trial and error, but if even one time taking a risk proves great results....isn't it worth it?
Love it. Love you Stephanie. :)