Today I was thinking about how many times a day we say "I love you" or any form of those three words. There are obvious people in my life whom I love: friends, siblings, parents, nieces & nephews ect. But how often do we say these words and not understand that to love is a verb....something that requires effort and action.
I am not a downer, or unbeliever in the power of the word love, but I just wonder if when we use it we actually know what we are agreeing to. In church this past week we discussed how to love somebody is to see their eternal potential and help them achieve it. Are we really all striving to do this for every person that we utter these words to? Don't get me wrong, I want to be able to tell as many people possible that I love them, but I also want to be able to show it in my actions. I was taught once that words without action behind them have as good of a chance standing strong as a sandcastle in high tide. I mean lets be honest, who wants to see their hours of intense labor wash away.
Saying I love you is in a sense making a promise. Under promise over deliver is a motto that i've heard repeated many times. Why not just promise and deliver? Use the words love on a daily basis as often as possible....but back up those vulnerable words with action. I believe that keeping in mind that we have to love ourselves before we love others can help us understand that we truly have to act upon the verb love.
This is a small example of some of the people that I love, and I hope that my actions to them speak louder then anytime I verbally tell them how I feel.

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